Cholera Outbreak in Nigeria
Breaking News

Cholera Outbreak in Nigeria

Cholera is an acute epidemic disease caused by a bacterium found in the feces of infected persons. Cholera is spread through polluted water and contaminated food or insects.


Cholera is a danger only in countries that lack modern sanitary techniques, such as frequent testing and purification of water supplies and proper disposal of human excrement.


The chief symptoms of cholera are sudden onset of severe vomiting and copious diarrhea, sometimes referred to as ricewater stool. The resulting dehydration (loss of water from the system) is often fatal.


Treatment consists of combating dehydration by administering large quantities of special fluids intravenously (directly into a vein). 


The vaccine that has been developed against cholera is effective for only a few months and requires frequent booster shots. 


If you visit a region where cholera occurs, use only boiled water, avoid uncooked fruits and vegetables, and see that your living quarters are well protected by screens to keep out any disease-carrying insects.


Cholera Outbreak in Nigeria

There has been a recent cholera outbreak in Nigeria and the National Biosafety Management Agency has called on the general public to exercise caution over the recent cholera outbreak in some states across Nigeria. 


Head, Information and Communications for NBMA, Mrs Gloria Ogbaki, in a statement on Friday in Abuja, quoted the Director- General, NBMA, Dr Agnes Asagbra, as saying there was need for carefulness. 


“Asagbra said Nigerians must exercise caution as Nigeria records 30 deaths and 1,141 suspected cases from the disease. 


“As we approach the festive period of the Salah celebrations, it is of utmost importance that we collectively prioritise the health and safety of our communities.


“Cholera, a highly contagious bacterial infection caused by the ingestion of contaminated food or water, has been reported in Bayelsa, Zamfara, Abia, Cross River, Bauchi, Delta, Katsina, Imo, Nasarawa, and Lagos States.’’ 


Asagbra said NBMA, in collaboration with health authorities, was actively monitoring the situation and implementing measures to contain the spread of the disease. 


She also called on Nigerians to imbibe various hygiene practices such as boiling drinking water or using certified water purification methods.


According to her, there is need to wash hands thoroughly with soap and water, especially before eating or preparing food. 


The Director-General also urged Nigerians to always wash hands with soap and water after using the toilet, cook food thoroughly and consume it while it was hot. 


She advised that Nigerians avoid raw foods, such as fruits and vegetables unless they could be peeled or washed with safe water and to always keep the environment clean and dispose waste properly to prevent contamination. 


She said, “NBMA urges all Nigerians to be vigilant and adhere to these hygiene practices to protect themselves and their loved ones from cholera.” 


She called on Nigerians to be alert and report any case of cholera to the nearest hospital. 


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