Protein that causes blood sugar problems
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Protein that causes blood sugar problems

About 422 million people worldwide have diabetes, the majority living in low-and middle-income countries, and 1.6 million deaths are directly attributed to diabetes each year.

A lot of the lifestyle issues that influence blood sugar problems are hidden -- meaning that our culture tells us certain things are good for us, when they really aren’t.

But there is also great news on this front too.

Because this means that if you have blood sugar problems and want to reverse the issue, in many cases you can.

One of the things that’s really misunderstood about blood sugar problems is how fat can contribute to a diabetic state. 

You read that right…  fat (not sugar).

There have been a lot of studies pointing to this idea of fat causing blood sugar problems.

But recently scientists have actually figured out at least some of why it’s true. 

And it all has to do with this pesky protein.

This protein does some pretty funky stuff.

Scientists have known for a while that this stress protein is associated with depression and anxiety.

“…the protein FKBP51 is associated with depression and anxiety disorders.”

But they’ve recently found out that it can also cause diabetes.

“…scientists from the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich could prove that a stress protein found in muscle has a diabetes promoting effect.”

The way this protein works is by helping to control metabolic processes in the body.

When the metabolic processes are healthy, your body produces the correct amount of insulin to deal with blood sugar. 

When metabolic processes are not healthy, then your body struggles with this and you develop diabetes.

“This protein acts as a molecular link between the stress regulatory system and metabolic processes in the body.”

This leads to what scientists call a signaling cascade.

“FKBP51 influences a signaling cascade in muscle tissue, which, with excessive calorie intake, leads to the development of glucose intolerance, i.e., the key indicator of diabetes type 2…”

It turns out that one of the key things that cause this particular protein to activate is an unhealthy diet rich in fat.

Everybody says that diabetes is caused by sugar intake. 

But this study gives you direct evidence that fat intake may be more of a problem.

“An unhealthy diet, rich in fat, means stress for the body.”

And this high fat intake makes your body produce this stress protein at higher levels. 

When the stress protein produces at higher levels, the absorption of glucose gets messed up and then diabetes develops.

“If FKBP51 is increasingly produced in the muscle it leads to reduced absorption of glucose -- as a result, diabetes and obesity may develop.”

Currently, scientists are looking for ways to block this particular stress protein. 

Because, once it’s blocked, diabetes doesn’t develop -- even if you eat too much.

“If FKBP51 is blocked, diabetes will not develop -- even if too many calories are consumed or the body is still stressed.”

But the problem is that -- while this sounds like the Holy Grail -- it will be just one more Big Pharma treatment you need to take. 

And, while the research sounds promising, this treatment is also not developed yet and we have no idea what the side effects will be.

However, there are other things you can do right now to help prevent diabetes from forming in your body.

By reducing the amount of fat that you have in your diet (and particularly the KIND of fat you have in your diet) you can help your body to stave off diabetes naturally.

And by doing this you can also help to keep your body lean as well -- because the types of metabolic problems that cause diabetes also cause obesity.

If you already have diabetes, or have a high risk for developing it, then you may want to look at the fat in your diet and start to cut back on it.

Most type 2 diabetes can be reversed or greatly reduced in severity by following the proper protocol.


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